Quality : |
Sarah Impex believes in "Quality First" therefore, we buy honey only after
Processing facilities in respective countries are Audited personally by team
of our experts. Pre shipment samples are analyzed for various residues in
Intertek / QSI. Honey we import is mostly tested on all parameters
concerning Adulteration, antibiotics, pesticides and origin, specially honey
coming from Asian Countries.
We recommend our vendors to get "True Source Certified™", www.truesourcehoney.com. In order to ensure highest quality and legitimate origin of honey supply to our customers in USA, we only procure honey from honey exporters who are approved by Government agencies in respective countries like registered honey exporters in Vietnam as per www.vba.org.vn and approved honey processing units in India, www.eicindia.org/eic/appvdunits-honey-main.htm.